Interesting to me. Perhaps to you.


I'm a PC and so can you.

Um.  Duh.  Isn't like 91% of the population of the world a PC-user?

Of course, there has been word going around that some of the people in this ad--produced by that hatful of gimmicks, CP+B--are not actually PC users.  Pharell is on record as being a Mac-guy (whatever that means) and clearly will sell his soul to hock anything.  Aren't those his fingers in HP's campaign? 

I can't say these ads are the wrong strategy.  Pride of ownership and anger at Mac folk is something I've seen myself in self-identified PC'ers.  They do feel stereotyped.  They think Apple is pretentious.  So good work to the planning staff on pulling out the right insight.

But the execution.  How many times have we seen this "people of different hues and accents saying 'I am a [insert brand name here]'" ad? Too many.  The least they could have done is made it a little bit more campy in tone.  Again, the message itself isn't a revelation.  The fact that it has to be said is the revelation. 

I still like the Seinfeld ads better.  Call me kooky.

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